Sue Gurnee

Inner Study Series - Workbook


Intuition Enhancement in Five Simple Steps
available as softcover or e-book (English and German)

Vitality, Stamina and Endurance
available as e-book (English and German)

Mutuality Handbook
available as e-book (English and German)

Muscle Response Testing
available as e-book (English and German)

Pessomancy – telling the future using pebbles
available as e-book (English and German)

These books offer hours of exercises and insights to enjoy while you unwind after your daily demands. Written in English and available also in German, these texts supplement the information Dr. Sue Gurnee offers in her seminars. For those who have not yet attended one of these enlightening events, check the calendar of upcoming seminars in your area. These books may nurture your interest to learn more about the role of subtle energy in daily interactions.

Students who have studied with Dr. Sue Gurnee have commented that they have:
• increased motivation and self-esteem
• enhanced intuitive powers
• more supportive physical and energetic systems
• more stamina to deal with stress
• a verification tool using the autonomic nervous system to access information.

Ordering details below.

For those who are deeply interested in the Intern Program at Growing Wheel, there is also a newly published book chronicling the adventures of an intern studying at the world headquarters of Growing Wheel International: On My Way – Beyond the House of Five Senses. Smile as you taste the experiences of a student who was determined to learn more than academic theory while on her quest to become a naturopath.  Many subjects taught in the seminar training program are shared in this book. Experiences with the Universal Principles of Analogy, Creation, Attraction and Balance are woven through daily encounters.  Read the pages while gaining insights that are sure to widen your language of energetics. Available from


Intuition Enhancement in five simple steps  
Susan Gurnee
copyright 2012
Price: 20 EUR
(Transaction through PayPal)
E-book in English (PDF), 52 pages, file size approx. 4.3 MB
available as softcover or e-book in English and German from

Intuition Enhancement in five simple steps
In these chapters you will learn a method to organize incoming sensory and meta-sensory data and to build a management system for five parts of your brain. You will learn an energetic support technique to increase intuitional accuracy as well as further improve your skills with exercises to strengthen intuitive ability and to trust answers you receive using intuitive means.

Recommended for anyone interested in expanding his innate gifts and abilities.

Purchase eBook Here


Vitality, Stamina and Endurance  
Susan Gurnee
copyright 2012
Price: 20 EUR
(Transaction through PayPal)
E-book in English (PDF), 52 pages, file size approx. 4 MB

Vitality, Stamina and Endurance

For readers who have a basic understanding of the role of energetics in sustained health, this manual offers a method to clear imbalances from your physical system using charts. In a step-by-step process you are given a structure from which to clear disturbances that may have occurred in the months before birth. Recipes for sustained vitality are included as well as a way to use colored light to rebalance your physical and energetic systems.

Recommended for practitioners and those who have an understanding of the chakra system.

Purchase eBook Here


Mutuality Handbook  
Susan Gurnee
copyright 2012
Price: 20 EUR
(Transaction through PayPal)
E-book in English (PDF), 54 pages, file size approx. 3 MB

Vitality, Stamina and Endurance

A product of decades of research, the author identifies and explains six stages of invisible connections that occur during interrelations. Learn the essence of collaboration by accessing the inner balance of masculine and feminine principles from which to build caring and trusting cooperation.

Recommended for anyone who desires to maintain rapport with others on a daily basis.

Purchase eBook Here


Muscle Response Testing  
Susan Gurnee
copyright 2012
Price: 20 EUR
(Transaction through PayPal)

Muscle Response Testing

E-book in English (PDF), 48 pages, file size approx. 2 MB
In seven well defined chapters, readers learn how to test their own autonomic nervous system and use their ideomotor reflexes in muscle response techniques the author calls “dowsing”. Full Body Deviceless Dowsing, Finger Dowsing, Methods to Count using Dowsing are carefully explained as well as Pendulum Dowsing, Procedures to Test Another and a supplement on how to ask questions and create Dowsing Programs.

Recommended for anyone interested in a deeper communication within.

Purchase eBook Here


Pessomancy – telling the future using pebbles
Susan Gurnee
copyright 2012
Price: 10 EUR
(Transaction through PayPal)

Pessomancy – telling the future using pebbles

E-book in English (PDF), 14 pages, file size approx. 2 MB
A delightful manual to help you use your intuition by augmenting your insights using a time-honored method to gather six stones and use them for divination. These forecasting stones can be used anytime and anywhere to help you focus and read the nature of your indecisions.

Recommended for beginners and well-seasoned intuitives.

Purchase eBook Here


Diamond Gardening
Susan Gurnee
copyright 2009-2016
Price: free
E-book in English, German or Spanish (PDF), 26 pages, file size approx. 1 MB

Diamond Gardening

Over the years, Sue has found many ways to teach about the magnificence of nature. She began with a bordered space -
12’ x 12’. Within these confines she helped expand perceptions about awareness, self-sufficiency and spirituality. This simple idea about gardening enlarged into a global project. Learn the gentle art of listening to the earth. Use this manual to design your Diamond Garden!

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